Things couldn't run better!

Due to the exten­si­ve ver­ti­cal inte­gra­ti­on of our com­pa­ny, we are able to rea­li­ze indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion sys­tems for a wide varie­ty of cus­to­mer requirements:

☑️ Assembling of sealing ring for tur­bo­char­ger components

☑️ Height adjus­t­ment for head restraints and safe­ty belts

☑️ Automatic pro­duc­tion of ener­gy meters accord­ing to the latest standard

☑️ Fully auto­ma­tic assem­bly of engi­ne com­pon­ents (inter­coo­ler, exhaust-gas recir­cu­la­ti­on sys­tem EGR, etc.)

☑️ Automatic assem­bly of exhaust gas sys­tems (cata­lyst MAR for die­sel and petrol engines)

☑️ Assembly machi­nes for pro­duc­tion of indus­tri­al locking systems

☑️ Plant for assemb­ling fur­ni­tu­re com­pon­ents (glass, plastic/​synthetic mate­ri­al, wood-based materials)

☑️ Fully auto­ma­tic plant for the pro­duc­tion of fur­ni­tu­re fit­ting components

☑️ and much more...