Code of Conduct – Commitment to integrity

Integrity is part of the self-image of our company.

It is an obli­ga­ti­on that sin­ce­ri­ty, hones­ty, open­ness, relia­bi­li­ty deter­mi­ne actions and beha­vi­or of each employee in an envi­ron­ment of mutu­al respect, both intern­al­ly and extern­al­ly. The credi­bi­li­ty of our com­pa­ny and the trust of our cus­to­mers, sup­pliers, banks, employees and the public are influ­en­ced decisi­ve­ly by the beha­vi­or of each employee.

We expect from all employees of Discher Automatisierungstechnik GmbH to know the princi­ples of the Code of Conduct and to obser­ve tho­se at all times. We have values that make our actions pre­dic­ta­ble and pro­vi­de secu­ri­ty for us and our busi­ness partners.

It goes without say­ing that all respec­ti­ve laws of the coun­tries in which employees of Discher Automatisierungstechnik GmbH ope­ra­te, are com­plied with and all gene­ral­ly accep­ted prac­ti­ces are respec­ted and com­plied with. These inclu­de, for examp­le, the anti-bri­be­ry and anti-cor­rup­ti­on laws in busi­ness tran­sac­tions, as well as, the inter­na­tio­nal human rights that are essen­ti­al for our social stan­dards, but also local habits and customs.

This code of Conduct is bin­ding for all employees of Discher Automatisierungstechnik GmbH. We assu­me that all respon­si­ble manager/​executives of our com­pa­ny live, com­mu­ni­ca­te clear­ly and take respon­si­bi­li­ty for main­tai­ning the princip­le of the com­mit­ment to inte­gri­ty com­mu­ni­ca­ted in this regulation.

☑️ We attach gre­at impor­t­ance to the high level of our services

☑️ We act with uncom­pro­mi­sing integrity

☑️ As a team, we achie­ve our busi­ness goals

☑️ We demand and boost fle­xi­bi­li­ty and innovation

☑️ We avoid pro­vo­ca­ti­on, uncon­trol­led ver­bia­ge, per­so­nal attacks and open disputes

☑️ We always stri­ve for a social­ly accep­ta­ble sett­le­ment of conflicts