Challenge Intralogistic

LogicTrack is desi­gned as a con­ti­nuous con­veyor for the trans­port of work­pie­ces. The goods to be trans­por­ted can be trans­por­ted from one or more admit­ting facility(ies) to one or more dischar­ge point(s). Continuous con­veyors usual­ly work ful­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly, so the­re is no need for addi­tio­nal ope­ra­ting per­son­nel. One fea­ture of LogicTrack is to trans­port qui­te lar­ge quan­ti­ties or units wit­hin a short time.

LogicTrack is desi­gned for per­ma­nent take­over or deli­very. It is loa­ded and unloa­ded during ope­ra­ti­on. Therefore, the fric­tion con­veyor chain does not have to be stop­ped during this pro­cess. The adjus­ta­ble dri­ving for­ce, the buf­fer capa­ci­ty or the auto­ma­tic dri­ve deco­u­pling during car­ri­er con­ges­ti­on are addi­tio­nal aspects that speak for the use of the LogicTrack System. With its simp­le, modu­lar design and its rela­tively low ener­gy cos­ts in con­ti­nuous ope­ra­ti­on, LogicTrack finds its use as an extre­me­ly effi­ci­ent sys­tem in various are­as of intralogistics.

LogicTrack from Discher Automatisierungstechnik sets new stan­dards with regard to the hand­ling of weight and dimen­si­ons of respec­ti­ve work­pie­ces. Also, a fur­ther argu­ment for LogicTrack is the con­sis­tent mini­mi­zing wear accom­pa­nied by a maxi­mum of pre­cisi­on. In addi­ti­on, this sys­tem will simul­ta­ne­ous­ly crea­te a buil­ding block towards Industry 4.0.



pro­vi­des the nee­ded sup­port to be ahead of the pri­cing pres­su­re incre­a­ses, for examp­le through glo­bal com­pe­ti­ti­on. Discher LogicTrack uses your resour­ces com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly and opti­mal­ly with intel­li­gent mate­ri­al flow con­trol. Whether in hall or machi­ne chai­ning - LogicTrack net­works your sys­tems in such a way that the maxi­mum capa­ci­ty uti­liz­a­ti­on of the respec­ti­ve indi­vi­du­al systems/​transport par­ti­ci­pants is always gua­ran­te­ed. Standardisation shall also be seen as a fur­ther added value. Other fea­tures of the LogicTrack sys­tem inclu­de high avai­la­bi­li­ty with a cor­re­spon­din­gly low fail­u­re rate and maxi­mum flexibility.

LogicTrack is con­sist­ent­ly modu­lar­ly built. Thus, a fle­xi­ble adap­t­ati­on to your trans­port and pro­duc­tion requi­re­ments is pos­si­ble. Standard rail lengths of 2000 mm and the modu­lar sys­tem con­sis­ting of various track switch, stop­pers and cur­ve ele­ments make the struc­tu­re cor­re­spon­din­gly adap­ta­ble and simp­le. Inside the track, the spe­cial end­less chain trans­ports the respec­ti­ve work­pie­ce car­ri­er.

A safe and pre­cise trans­port to the cor­re­spon­ding sta­ti­ons takes place based on the fric­tion princip­le. Soft stops gua­ran­tee a maxi­mum pre­cisi­on and a very low mini­mum of wear. Automatic stret­ching devices ensu­re a low main­ten­an­ce. At the same time, a high working load up to 300 kg is provided.

Workpieces of special length? No problem!

By cou­pling of two work­pie­ce car­ri­ers, the trans­port of par­ti­cu­lar­ly long work­pie­ces is pos­si­ble. With regard to occup­a­tio­nal safe­ty, it should also be empha­si­zed that all swit­ches are made crimp-pro­of. The speed of the work­pie­ce car­ri­er is also loca­ted below the safe­ty-cri­ti­cal speed. Therefore, LogicTrack does not need addi­tio­nal per­so­nal pro­tec­tion in the form of an enclo­sure or the like.

LogicTrack modules ... to adapt to your requirements


☑️ Length of stan­dard trun­king 2000 mm

☑️ Several tracks combinable

☑️ Crush-free track switch

☑️ Soft-Stopper

☑️ Product scan­ner for mate­ri­al tracking

☑️ Interface for robot integration

☑️ Turning device

☑️ Material flow con­trol via visualization

☑️ Connection to exis­ting ERP systems

The LogicTrack soft­ware ser­ves as a bridge towards Industry 4.0.

The ela­bo­ra­ted com­bi­na­ti­on clear­ly high­lights the dif­fe­rence to com­pa­ra­ble sys­tems. LogicTrack is the intra­lo­gistic sys­tem with a future. With the LogicTrack soft­ware, the pro­ces­ses are con­trol­led, and the pro­du­ced goods are fed to the pro­ces­sing sta­ti­ons or the trans­port par­ti­ci­pants in a tar­ge­ted man­ner - Just-In-Sequence. In this case, occu­p­ied work­sta­tions are reco­gni­zed and dri­ven around if nee­ded. Blocked tracks are detec­ted and repor­ted. The pro­ces­ses are moni­to­red accord­in­gly, and the­re is also an inter­face for the con­nec­tion to the super­or­di­na­te pro­duc­tion con­trol system.

Your advantage

☑️ Modular con­struc­tion

☑️ Low wear due to high­ly abra­si­on-pro­ofed surfaces

☑️ High avai­la­bi­li­ty (> 90 %)

☑️ No addi­tio­nal anti-crush pro­tec­tion required

☑️ Intelligently con­trol­led mate­ri­al flow

☑️ Masses from 300 g to 300 kg

☑️ Components | trans­por­ted mate­ri­al up to a length of 5 m

☑️ Fast adap­t­ati­on to new processes

☑️ High effi­ci­en­cy

Higher productivity through consistent realization of experience


Whether in the rea­liz­a­ti­on of tasks in the laser sec­tor (car body pro­duc­tion), in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try, in the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try or in the field of fur­ni­tu­re pro­duc­tion, our expe­ri­ence has been con­sist­ent­ly used in every app­li­ca­ti­on. Named car manu­fac­tu­rers incre­a­sed their pro­duc­ti­vi­ty by about 80% per pro­duc­tion line. At the same time, the ergo­no­mics were impro­ved, and mea­su­res for opti­mal, pre­ven­ti­ve main­ten­an­ce were exem­pla­ry inte­gra­ted. Without LogicTrack, a team of seven ope­ra­tors had pre­vious­ly dealt with the loading and unloading of laser sys­tems. Statistically spea­king, by using LogicTrack, only 0.5 sys­tem ope­ra­tors are requi­red in this regard. Ergonomically, the sys­tem repres­ents a quan­tum leap. Without LogicTrack, parts with a weight of approx. 12.5 kg were inser­ted to the work­hol­der manu­al­ly and with immense phy­si­cal effort. Now, this hap­pens by using LogicTrack and by inte­gra­ting hand­ling robots. Here, a sta­ti­on time of about 15 seconds is reached.

Before the inte­gra­ti­on of LogicTrack one ope­ra­ted in this case (laser park) in the defi­cit ran­ge. With the use of the LogicTrack sys­tem, the tide tur­ned. The laser sys­tems are now ope­ra­ted in a very pro­fi­ta­ble, eco­no­mi­c­al area.

"With LogicTrack, our com­pa­ny has deve­lo­ped an effec­ti­ve, modu­lar sys­tem that con­nects the machi­nes invol­ved in the pro­cess intel­li­gent­ly and fills the gaps in the value-added chain."

Reinhard Discher
(Managing Director, Discher Automatisierungstechnik GmbH)