Experience | Know-how

For more than 25 years we have been an inno­va­ti­ve and reli­able part­ner in auto­ma­ti­on and plant engi­nee­ring. We take care of your indi­vi­du­al needs across all indus­tries - from con­cep­ti­on to assem­bly and to com­mis­sio­ning of the plant.

In co-ope­ra­ti­on with you, we will deve­lop a stra­te­gy also for the adap­t­ati­on or rea­lign­ment of exis­ting con­struc­tions. With us you get ever­ything from one source!

Service | Maintenance


Machine fail­u­res are always a major annoyan­ce for all com­pa­nies. A con­se­quent ser­vice can pre­vent such inci­dents and thus save money and time. With our com­ple­te ran­ge of pro­fes­sio­nal main­ten­an­ce and ser­vicing, we assu­re you of a smooth pro­duc­tion pro­cess - without cost-inten­si­ve downtime.

If necessa­ry, we exchan­ge spa­re parts and replace them with modern one. Otherwise, we car­ry out the com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty check and cal­cu­la­te the effort for a modi­fi­ca­ti­on or reconstruction.

We are spe­cia­lists for tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and com­ple­te main­ten­an­ce. Most of the work can be car­ri­ed out direct­ly by our­sel­ves thanks to short decisi­on-making chan­nels and a cor­re­spon­ding ver­ti­cal inte­gra­ti­on - from con­struc­tion acti­vi­ties, to wel­ding work and con­trol and pro­gramming services.


Looking to opti­mi­ze or expand your faci­li­ties, or are modi­fi­ca­ti­ons for a new pro­duct line necessa­ry? No pro­blem: We are at your ser­vice with all our exper­ti­se and dri­ve in effec­ti­ve moder­niz­a­ti­on, hel­ping you to take the strain off your bud­get and resources!

Please feel free to con­ta­ct us. We will deve­lop the right con­cept for your requi­re­ment together.

Your advantages


In view of per­ma­nent­ly shor­tening pro­duct cycles, a retro­fit of pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties is par­ti­cu­lar­ly lucra­ti­ve. We pro­vi­de you with the com­ple­te mecha­ni­cal and con­trol tech­no­lo­gy rede­sign. This signi­fi­cant­ly extends the lifespan of your sys­tem, while enhan­cing effi­ci­en­cy, pro­duc­tion volu­me and pro­duct qua­li­ty. Following our expert retro­fit your plants will be rea­dy for new tasks and meet all pre­vai­ling gui­de­li­nes (e.g. emis­si­on regu­la­ti­ons or safe­ty stan­dards).

For the­se pur­po­ses we app­ly soft­ware tools like CATIA, SolidWORKS, Eplan or ROBCAD.

Planned plants expan­si­on can gene­ral­ly be com­bi­ned with a value main­tai­ning retro­fit. We will sup­port and assist you in the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of your project.

Our repair services

Repair indu­ced down­ti­me can beco­me qui­te cos­t­ly. In this case our expert team is at your ser­vice with all their exper­ti­se and com­mit­ment. Furthermore, we always car­ry an exten­si­ve stock of con­trol machi­ne com­pon­ents and also offer a full main­ten­an­ce service.

Our experts are always plea­sed to help you – whe­ther in con­trol tech­no­lo­gy, mecha­nics, pro­gramming or engi­nee­ring issu­es. A lar­ge pro­por­ti­on of acu­te errors can gene­ral­ly be detec­ted and cor­rec­ted via remo­te main­ten­an­ce. This saves time and costs.

Our relocation services


Planning to relo­ca­te your plants and machine­ry? Our ser­vice com­pri­ses all the necessa­ry steps – from initi­al plan­ning through to the instal­la­ti­on of your pro­duc­tion plants at the new loca­ti­on. No mat­ter whe­ther you relo­ca­te intern­al­ly or extern­al­ly, we will keep the necessa­ry time­frame as short as possible.

As your expert part­ner for all issu­es con­cer­ning your pro­duc­tion plants we are natu­ral­ly also plea­sed to help you with any relo­ca­ti­ons abroad.

Discher Automatisierungstechnik GmbH ...things couldn't run better!