Challenge Stack Storage

Stack sto­rage are block sto­rage and bound by a fixed spa­ti­al posi­ti­on. First of all, this means that appro­pria­te space must be avail­ab­le for this pur­po­se. Nevertheless, stack sto­rage is a pro­ven tool to deco­u­p­le a sub­se­quent pro­duc­tion from the respec­ti­ve upstream pro­ces­sing steps. Thus, a hig­her effi­ci­en­cy is achieved.

This is whe­re LogicStack comes in. The upstream pro­duc­tion sup­plies the com­pon­ents in an uncoor­di­na­ted order, regard­less of its dimen­si­on or sur­face. It is a real art to make a stack from this in such a way that it is safe­ly stood up or packed and to deli­ver the requi­red parts in the cor­rect order to the sub­se­quent pro­duc­tion. Usually, this is only mas­te­red by a few employees - and almost, it is dia­metri­cal­ly oppo­sed to the idea of high pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and efficiency.

Here, Discher Automatisierungstechnik has dis­sol­ved the boun­der with LogicStack - the intel­li­gent stacking sys­tem and crea­ted an ele­men­tal com­po­nent in the direc­tion of Industry 4.0.



LogicStack per­forms this task quick­ly, safe­ly, space-saving and pro­vi­dent in a way. The infor­ma­ti­on collec­ted and eva­lua­ted by LogicStack in the pro­duc­tion pro­cess are used to cal­cu­la­te the focus and loca­ti­on of each com­po­nent in the stack.

Because of this, LogicStack is far ahead of "expe­ri­en­ced craft­s­men". The LogicStack sys­tem is con­stant­ly stacking on a small area - just in an eco­no­mi­c­al way, with high efficiency.

To adapt to your requirements | hand in hand

☑️ Camera sys­tem for posi­ti­on and com­po­nent recognition

☑️ Connection to exis­ting ERP systems

☑️ Integration of scan­ner systems

☑️ Flexible expan­si­on of the stacking cells

☑️ Integration of addi­tio­nal tra­vel axes

☑️ Throughput for lar­ge parts

☑️ Turning device for the late­ral inver­si­on of the stack components

Your advantages

☑️ Efficient and ergonomic

☑️ Conserving resour­ces

☑️ High avai­la­bi­li­ty (> 95%)

☑️ Energy-saving through stand­by shutdown

☑️ Safe stacks due to cent­re of gra­vi­ty calculation

☑️ High stack throughput

☑️ High pro­cess continuity

☑️ No depen­dence on experts

☑️ Modular design and easy scalability

☑️ Flexible through com­bi­na­ti­on with robot or por­tal handling



The pro­ces­ses of Pelipal, a manu­fac­tu­rer of bathroom fur­ni­tu­re (loca­ted in the regi­on East-Westphalians-Lippe) are alrea­dy high­ly auto­ma­ted. Until LogicStack has been used, the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents of the respec­ti­ve fur­ni­tu­re were still sta­cked manu­al­ly on cor­re­spon­ding pal­lets after the for­mat cut. After this, the­se were car­ri­ed for fur­ther pro­ces­sing. Producing the respec­ti­ve stack was only pos­si­ble with exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence of the employees. The cor­re­spon­ding stack had not only been pro­du­ced sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly, but also been stood up secu­re­ly against fal­ling over. LogicStack meets the­se requirements.

"We have asked many well-known manu­fac­tu­rers in the industry. Only the Discher Automation Group was able to pre­sent this inge­nious solution. "

Dr. Jochen Peters
(Managing Director, Pelipal GmbH)